clickable image advertising the aircooled parts supply shop.

What is Classic Volks all about? is constantly working towards being a complete one-stop shop for all classic VW information, although we are based in North Yorkshire in the UK, it is a growing resource for Volkswagen enthusiasts all across the world. We sell quality new parts for your aircooled Volkswagen, available online and from our shop in York, UK. We encourage you to keep checking our site regularly for updates and special offers plus all the very latest VW news, VW Shows and changing trends in the dub scene. Simply put, we are, 'for all your dub needs', which really does say it all.

The Classic Volks website continues to grow and offers you, a place to find information on VW hire companies in the UK, Spain, France, USA, Australia and Ireland. Our Field of Dreams Aircooled VW Festival , ways to advertise on our website, details on our own York Classic VWs Owners club, We also have a list of Volkswagen restoration companies (and advice) to help you get your classic Volkswagen running well. Coming soon is a list of VW caterers and VW specific festival traders, so keep checking for that and of course details on how to get your company listed. Please have a look around our website, and if you can't find what you are looking for, contact details are over on the contact page, if I'm not able to help, I will do my best to point you in the right direction.

Old school, chilled out aircooled VW show where the sun always shines, reminiscent of shows in days gone by. Looking forward to welcoming you to the 12th Field of Dreams, in Escrick, just a 15 minute drive the beautiful city of York!

The image here is used to represent hiring a Volkswagen

We supply quality new parts for aircooled Volkswagens order online, click and collect, or visit us to browse our stock. Not sure what you need or can't find the parts in our shop, drop us an email, we'd be happy to help you get the right parts.

Image with text about the VW events calendar.

Keeping track of VW events in the UK and Europe isn't always easy, we try to list as many as we can here so keep checking - if your event isn't here, get in touch via email and we'll happily add yours free of charge.

York Classic VW Club logo image.

If you're local to York and are a classic VW enthusiast, why not join the YCVWs club and meet like minded people to spend time with and go to VW shows with.

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With a steady stream of new visitors daily and thousands of returning traffic, getting your company listed on Classic Volks is a great way to keep your brand visible and recognised. What's more, we regularly share our advertisers to our facebook and Twitter followers, that's a potential reach audience of close to 1 Million people!

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Classic Volks plans for 2025

A quick word from ClassicVolks :

Our passion for living and sharing the aircooled Volkswagen lifestyle with others means providing this online resource website. If you want to be a part of our vision and growth by sharing your VW product or service on our website - contact classicvolks today.